Fresh Start Effect

Fresh Start Effect

A great way to access the "fresh start effect" is to review your month.

Hey Moms, Starting Your Morning Strong Sets the Tone for the Whole Day

Hey Moms, Starting Your Morning Strong Sets the Tone for the Whole Day

We love this graphic from Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan. It sums up why a morning ritual is so valuable. Starting the day in a way that ensures you are taken care propels you into the day allowing you to show up as your best self.

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

If a goal is important to you -- it can be something as personal as spending more time with loved ones or as outwardly focused as winning a Nobel Prize -- then you need to track your efforts in achieving it.

Doing so will keep you focused on the goal and keep you accountable during the inevitable ups and downs that come with the pursuit of any long term goal.
