Every July, Alegre enters numbers into a spreadsheet that she's been keeping for over 20 years. She calls it her Family Fiscal Year-End. It's how she tracks the "big picture" financial numbers that affect her family. It lets them know how they are doing on saving for retirement and paying off debt.
It's also taught her how to have a long-term vision for her finances because it can be difficult to see the upward trajectory on a daily basis, but over the years, the ups and downs have a way of smoothing out into a consistent, upward trajectory that's exciting.
As we always say, "Planning makes everything possible," but you can't plan if you don't know what you're working with. This template raises your awareness around your family's finances.
Get this template here. https://www.subscribepage.com/fiscal-year-end
Disclaimer: we are not healthcare, financial, or legal professionals (nor do we play them on TV). We are simply sharing our experience with you. Please consult a professional if you want individualized advice.