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Let’s face it, as a mom, as a parent, as a caregiver, we are encouraged--dare we say expected?--to put everyone’s needs before our own. Maybe we even like it in some ways. We get to help and feel essential.
But maybe you are tired of feeling like there’s never enough time or energy to work on the stuff that’s important to you, whether it’s finishing that DIY project, writing that book, or starting that side hustle you’ve been dreaming about.
You dream of a scenario where everyone wins!
Prefer to take a live course? Get on the waitlist to find out when the next one will be.
A scenario where everyone exists. There IS another way, and it’s not just good for you, it’s good for your family too. Because when women succeed, society succeeds. Just like the friendly flight attendant likes to remind us, we have to put our oxygen mask on first before we can help others.
The solution is PLANNING.
Planning your days, your weeks, your months, your life. Did you know that most people spend more time planning for a vacation than planning for their future?! For every one minute of planning, you can save ten minutes of doing.
Our solution: a simple, actionable course, based in brain science, that will help you:
Excavate away the layers of expectations to reveal what your real goals are (rather than dusty old ones you think you should have)
Learn which motivations do and don't work for you
Discover which of your goals are most aligned with your true self
Bring more happiness and fulfillment into your life by living your values
And if you like to continue with us beyond the two days we will show you how to:
Build a goal roadmap that will instantly gain you traction
Implement the #1 thing you must do to achieve any goal
Easily maintain your plans, once you've created them
Release regret, resentment and envy to accelerate you forward
We've structured our course to fit into your busy life with short, 45-minute virtual learning sessions with introspection and brain science to make your planning journey fun and easy.
Hi, we are Alegre and Natascha, two moms, entrepreneur-educators, and Wild Dreamers who believed it was possible to:
At some point we realized in order to live our
wild dreams, we needed to become better planners and--like the good Ravenclaws we are--we became students of planning.
Because one thing is for sure: we all have the same 24 hours but we don't all spend it the same.
And you know what? YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO ALL OF YOUR DREAMS, big and small, especially the wild ones.
We don't discriminate about what sort of dreams you have! Your dreams may be as "small" as getting in some self-care once a month or finishing all the projects around the house. Or they may be as big as starting a business or heading a nonprofit. And lots of them are probably somewhere in between--trip to Paris anyone?
When you pursue your dreams, you show your kids how to pursue theirs. When you step into your greatness, you raise up everyone around you.
Every one of us deserves the opportunity to become our best selves, find our gifts, and share them with the world.
Not only do we deserve it, the world needs it!
Alegre: I've always been a planner, but for a long time I was an "inconsistent planner". My personality type is Myers Brigg ENFJ and we like to analyze. In 2016, I felt like I was doing everything, but nothing well and while I was having success in in the business/professional areas of my life, I felt like my health and relationships were just okay. So I took three days and went to a monastery to reflect. What I found was the areas I'd been successful were the ones where I'd really planned, and the ones were I wasn't I'd just approached haphazardly. I started applying my planning process to all areas and boom, success! As they say, a goal without a plan is just a dream. Planning is the fairy dust that turns your dreams into realities.
Natascha: I saw Alegre--great mom, successful entrepreneur--and it just seemed like she had more hours in the day than me, so I asked her what her secret was and she turned me onto her favorite planner, but it just wasn't "working" for me.
Alegre: I saw Natascha, and a couple of other friends, struggling with my favorite planner and I realized that the issue was that they weren't really planning, they were just using them as calendars. They didn't have the mental framework to maximize the planners.
Natascha: Once Alegre started coaching me on "how to plan", that's when things clicked.
If you're like most caregivers, you probably feel like you're just holding on for dear life, because damn, taking care of others is a WILD RIDE. Schedules are constantly changing, multiple people have a claim on your time, and your goals and dreams keep getting shuffled lower and lower on the priority scale. If you have kids, you might even have I resigned yourself to waiting to pursue your goals until they are grown.
But what if we told you we could show you how to live a life beyond your wildest dreams RIGHT NOW!